Friday, December 27, 2013

Last Night's "Night Run"

I am not sure if people would consider 6-7 a "night" run, but it was dark therefore I call it a "night" run. Since I did not go to track practice yesterday morning, I wanted to make up for it by running later in the day. Only in California would the day be really warm. When I started my run, the breeze felt warm against my skin.

I like to run at night and in the morning because:

  1. No sun (I don't get sun burns, I only get darker)
  2. Less people
  3. Less cars
  4. I can hog the streets
 But during the day seems like a more "practical" time to run because:
  1.   The sun is out (I can see)
  2. More people (to see me)
  3. More cars (to see me)
I tried to avoid running right next bushes out of the fear that someone or something might jump out and kill me. But you do what you gotta do. I was not going to bed until I did something.

Running around dinner time means peoples cooking is wafting through the air:

  1. chicken
  2. tacos
  3. Mexican fried rice
  4. pie
  5. some Filipino food
All in all while running in the night can have its disadvantages, it feels good to work out.

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